
Sunday, October 11, 2015

Coming soon:

Interview with author Jeff Cogswell!

Mr. Cogswell has written many articles for technical publications and he wrote the book C+++ For Dummies. 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

In 1993, journaling presented an emotionless sounding board to a frustrated teen. Anytime pen found paper, hopes and fears were accepted without judgement. Hours of emotional bleeding filled pages as an analytical intellect transformed prose to poetry. A writer was born in the desert of angst.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Gardener

The Gardener

She planted flowers in the spring
And as she watered she would sing
Then chilling wind blew through the trees
With piercing frostbite it would bring

As flowers then began to freeze
She saved them from the frosty breeze
And rescued them from driving sleet 
The nipping bite had failed to seize

Then summer brought a scorching heat
Evaporation did deplete
The water sources one by one
A searing death they all would meet

Before the ravages were done
She saved them from the burning sun
Then fed them with the greatest care
And watered them ‘til they had won

With generosity to spare
Compassion she would always share
Her constant work did not abate
She gave up more than most could bear

She nurtured them with love innate
Rewarded now with garden great
Resplendence she did cultivate
Resplendence she did cultivate